ЧЕТВЕР 12.03.2020

Спорт в нашому житті. Введення лексичних одиниць.

Watch the short film and answer the question: “What`s about this video?”


Listen to the poem and name different sports you remember.


  • Transcribe the proverb.

  • 1   19,15,21,14,4    13,9,14,4    9,14      1    19,15,21,14,4     2,15,4,25.

  • If you do not know the alphabet this table will help you.

    • 1-A

    • 2-B

    • 3-C

    • 4-D

    • 5-E

    • 6-F

    • 7-G

    • 8-H

    • 9-I

    • 10-J

    • 11-K

    • 12-L

    • 13-M

    • 14-N

    • 15-O

    • 16-P

    • 17-Q

    • 18-R

    • 19-S

    • 20-T

    • 21-U

    • 22-V

    • 23-W

    • 24-X

    • 25-Y

    • 26-Z

    Reading test (робота з текстом)

    And now please read the text and complete the table.

    Sport in Our Life

    People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport and physical exercises help us to keep fit and healthy. There are summer and winter kinds of sports. The most popular winter sports are skating, skiing . Some people greatly enjoy figure skating and ski-jumping. It's so nice to go to the skating-rink or to the forest on a frosty sunny day!

    The most popular summer sports are swimming, cycling, boating and yachting. It's so wonderful to breathe in the fresh air and enjoy watching nature!

    Children all over the world like to play indoor and outdoor games. Athletics, aerobics, gymnastics enjoy their great popularity among the girls. Many of them attend sports clubs and train in the gym. The boys go in for boxing, wrestling, football, tennis, basketball and track and field events.

    Everyone must do all he or she can to be healthy and to develop a strong character. "A sound mind in a sound body," the old Latin proverb says.


    Choose true or false sentences


    The most important winter sports are skating, skiing and cycling


    Children like to play indoor and outdoor games


    Athletics, aerobics, gymnastics enjoy popularity among boys


    A sound mind in a sound body, the old Greek proverb says


    People is fond of sports and games



    Where it takes place

    Time, score and/or measurement

    American Footbal

    European Football
















    Складання мікро діалогів за зразком.


    Say, Jack, what’s you favorite kind of sport?

    Amm… It’s hard to say. I like football a lot – but I guess I like tennis better. 

Завдання: p. 104 ex.1, 2, 3 читати, перекладати, відповідати, p. 105 ex. 5 письмово

ПОНЕДІЛОК 16.03.2020

Як довго ти займаєшся спортом? Спортивні секції і клуби.


Reading the text “ A day with grandpa”

A DAY WITH GRANDPA (By Mildred Pitts Walter)

The smell of coffee and home-smoked ham woke Justin. His grandpa was cooking breakfast downstairs. Justin jumped out of a bed and quickly put on his clothes.

Grandpa had hot pancakes, apple jelly and ham all ready for the table.

“They taste delicious, aren’t they?” grandpa asked.

“Of course, they are,” Justin answered.

After breakfast, grandpa cleared the table, preparing to wash the dishes.

“Would you rather wash or dry?” he asked Justin.

“Neither,” Justin replied.

Grandpa said nothing. He slowly removed the dishes from the table. After that he washed each dish and rinsed it with care, too.

After washing the dishes, grandpa swept the floor and then went upstairs.

Justin stood around downstairs. He had a strange feeling of guilt and wished he had helped with the dishes.

Post-reading (group work)

1st team: Read and complete the sentences with the correct words from the text:

1. The.....from the kitchen filled the room.

2. A.....is a flat round cake made with flour, eggs and milk, fried on both


3. My mother.....the dishes from the table to wash them up.

4. Peanut butter and sandwiches.....delicious.

5. “.....” means to wash something with clean water.


  • Writing.

  • My little brother ate all the cake that I … (make).

  • The waitress brought a dish that we … (not/order).

  • Last night I couldn’t get in because I … (forget) my keys.

  • When we arrived at the station, the train … (go).

  • They didn’t have any money because they … (buy) a new car.

  • We had a big party because we … (pass) all our exams.

  • When I came home, she … (leave).


Завдання: p. 106 x.1-4 читати, відповідати, часова форма Present Perfect Continuous, p. 108 ex.6 письмово

СЕРЕДА 18.03.2020

У спортивному центрі.



Complete the sentences.

1) I’m also as___________________________________   as a bee these days.

2) I usually have an______________________________________   rest.

3) Today after half an hour___________________________________   I feel fine.

4) A little _________________________________  each day helps me keep fit.

5) Dan has______________________________the school Sports Club this year.

6) Dan’s parents want him to participate in sports________________________.

7) They are really proud of his wonderful _______________________________.

8) Would you like to join any_________________________________________?

This is Mary. She’s eleven. She’s got long brown hair and brown eyes. Her ears are small and her cheeks are chubby.

She gets up at 7 o’clock in the morning, has a shower, gets dressed and has breakfast. She usually has a toast and coffee. She doesn’t like cheese. Then the girl goes to school. She travels by bus. She has lunch at school with her friends. They sometimes have pizza and milkshake. After the lessons they play in the park and they like flying a kite. Mary goes home at 5pm. She has dinner with her mother and father. Her mother likes cooking! Mary goes to bed at 10pm.

The girl lives in the city. There is a swimming pool next to her house but her school is far. There are lots of shops and supermarkets in her street. There is a café behind her house and Mary goes there at the weekend with her family.

There is a market in front of her house. There are a lot of fruit. She likes eating watermelons and mangoes but she doesn’t like grapes. She likes vegetables.

Now the girl is in her bedroom. It’s big. There are two windows, there is a wardrobe in the room and there is her desk next to the window. There is a chair next to her desk. Now her room is a mess! There are her jeans on the floor and there is one sock on the sofa and one sock on the lamp. Her mother is angry. She says: You can’t go to the park, please tidy up your room! Put those jeans in the wardrobe and find the socks!

Mary likes doing athletics and playing table tennis. Going swimming is fun! But she doesn’t like playing basketball. She is very short!

In the summer Mary would like to go camping with her grandfather! She wouldn’t like to help her grandmother in the garden. It’s boring!

Write YES or NO:

Mary has got short brown hair.           _________

She has a toast and coffee for breakfast.       _________

The children don’t have pizza for lunch. ________

Her school is next to her house.           _________

There is a café in front of her house.    _________

Mary likes mangoes but doesn’t eat watermelons.  _________

There is a desk behind the wardrobe in her room.  _________

Her room is a mess.                    _________

There is one sock under the sofa.                   _________

Her mum is scared because there is a mess.        _________

She doesn’t like playing basketball.          _________

She would like to go camping with her grandfather.    _________

Choose the right answer:

The girl gets up at

eight o’clock    b) seven o’clock    c)nine o’clock

She goes to school by:

car                   b) helicopter                  c) bus

There is a … next to her house.

supermarket    b) café        c) swimming pool

Mary doesn’t like eating

watermelons   b) potatoes c) grapes

There is a chair 

next to her desk        b) behind the wardrobe     c) under her desk

The girl’s mother asks the girl 

  • to find the jeans             b)to go to the park           c)to clean the room.

Завдання: p. 108 побудувати діалог, p. 110 ex. 5 написати  по улюблений вид спорту

ЧЕТВЕР 18.03.2020

Ми займаємося спортом.


Fill in the blanks using words from the box. There are 2 extra words.

Enough- choreography – homework – take up – fun – shy – give - leisure  

Hi! I’m Rita. I’m thirteen years old and I live in Brazil.    I love dancing. It’s my favourite __________ activity. I don’t like ballet, but I like salsa. I ___________ salsa lessons after school. The teacher is really cool!

At the end of the year, we ___________ a salsa show. Last year’s show was good ____________ and everyone said we were really wonderful. We made a lot of money from the tickets. The money is to help sick children.

Dancing takes lots of time. Sometimes I don’t have time for my ___________ and I want to watch television, but I don’t have ___________ time. That’s my biggest problem!

Circle the correct option. 

Last weekend, Carmela went to the cinema to see “The Others”. Carmela didn’t like it because it was about ghosts and she is afraid (of / by / from) them. When she was going home with her friend Lola, she (feel /felt /was feeling) very strange. There was a noise behind them, but they couldn’t see (no one /anyone /someone).

It was raining (lots of / a lot of / a lot) and there weren’t any taxis on the street. So they had to go home (walk / was walking /walking). The noise was still behind them and while they were trying to see what or who it was, the lights on the street went (up / on / out)   

Complete the following conversation in A using the right parts from B. 



Barbara: Hi, Katherine, how are you?

Katherine: I’m great and you?

Barbara: VERY busy! I’m jogging now, but later I have to do a lot!

Katherine: What do you have to do?

Barbara: well, first of all, ------(1).We don’t have anything to eat at home.

Katherine: and then?

Barbara: -------(2). I’m driving him to the game.

Katherine: Oh, how’s his team doing?

Barbara: They’re doing really well. Next week, they are travelling to Toronto for a tournament.

Katherine: ---------------------(3).

Barbara: What are you doing today?

Katherine: I’m meeting some friends for luch, but, other than

that, I don’t have much to do today.

Barbara: You are so lucky!

Katherine: No, you are the lucky one?----------- (4)

a-That’s impressive!

b- He gets on my nerves.

c- Little Johnny has a basketball game this afternoon.

d- I spend most of my time relaxing.

e- I have to do the shopping.

f- I’d like to have so many things to do.

Answers: 1 + _______ / 2+ _______ / 3+ ________  / 4+ _________

Read a story and continue to complete the columns.

My name is Suzanne. I love many sports, but best of all I like skiing. I first skied when I was 6 years old and lived in Canada. And then for many years I couldn’t go skiing as I lived in hot places. But now I live in England and I began skiing again.

But the best place for me to ski now is Alps.

The equipment you need is skis, boots and poles. Clothes are very important too because they protect you from cold weather. You need a ski-suit, a hat, goggles to protect your eyes, socks, mittens.

I want to say that I’m not the world’s greatest skier, I’m a safe skier, but that doesn’t stop you having a wonderful time. 

-Which sport does Suzanne talk about?

-How often does she do it?

-Where does she do it?

-What equipment does she need?

-Does she like it?

-Is she good at it?

Arrange these words to make sentences.

 1) go    never   I    almost    fishing.

2)  always   they  tennis  the   at  play  weekends.   

3) go  do  often  jogging  how  you ?

4) every do  we day  exercises  morning.

5) ever  Charlie  do  does  aerobics?       

 6) do on  you  what usually Saturdays  do?

Завдання: p. 110 ex.1 вивчити слова, скласти діалог, p. 111 ex.6 написати листа