ТЕМА: Sport.

To start our lesson I’d like you to have a look at the screen. Here are the words said by an American professional volleyball player, Gabrielle Reece. She says: My body is a vehicle, and ______ is my mechanic? What can be a mechanic? (Pupils’ answers). Actually, it is sport. And sport is also the topic we’re going to discuss today.

a) Your home task was to learn the words, meaning different kinds of sport. Here’s the sun. And you’re to write these words on its rays (на промінцях слова закодовано логотипами, учні пишуть їх англійською).







figure skating




Ok. That’s right. Now repeat these words after me.

b) As far as I know, you learnt the rules as for the usage of the first and the second conditional. Will you tell us the difference?

P.1: We use the first conditional when talking about real future events.

P.2: And we use the second conditional if the action is not likely to happen.

That’s right. Don’t forget, there are two clauses in this case: the main one and the relative one. Despite the future tense in Ukrainian we can use Future Simple only in the main clause and Present Simple in the relative clause. If we speak about the second conditional then we’ll use would V1 in the main clause and Past Simple in the relative one.

Look at our sun, and tell us what sport you would like to try if you had a choice. Don’t forget about the second conditional. You may start like this:

         If I had a choice, I would play tennis.

                                                 do karate

                                                go in for judo

Computer Studies

I can see that you have already got the knowledge for 6 points. And now it’s time to have a short test to see if we can speak about a sufficient level. You will open the brackets in the conditionals. Then you will add 1, 2 or 3 points to your level. Be very attentive and quick. You have just 3 minutes. Ready, steady, go (учні виконують тест, повідомляють свої оцінки).


A good cyclist should not only have a trained body, but a trained mind either. It’s necessary to calculate speed, distance and so on and so forth. Besides, you are a Maths class. I’m sure it will be easy for you. Let’s have a look at the slide. Don’t forget to use conditionals in your answers!

If a cyclist covers 52 km in 2 hours, then his speed will be 26 km/h.

If a camera shoots 40 drivers and 100 wheels, it will be equal to 10 cars and 30 cyclists.

If a cyclist covers 300 km at a speed of 30 km, it will take him 10 hours.