Тема: Подорож

Listen and repeat

On foot – пішки

By bus – автобусом

By car – машиною

By plane – літаком

By ship – кораблем

By train – потягом

To make a fire – розпалювати вогонь

Rucksack –  рюкзак

2. Learn and act out the dialogues with your classmate.

1 )    A- Excuse me. Is this the right way to the Gallery?

B: Yes, it is. Go straight ahead. It’s at the end of the street.

2)     A Excuse me.

B: Yes, can I help you?

A; Could you tell me how to get to the Circus?

B: Well, you can take a taxi or the number 3 bus.

3)     A Can you help me, please? Is there any cafe here?

B: Yes, there is. Cross the street and turn right. It is the Pizza World Cafe.

4)     A: Excuse me. How can I get to the supermarket?

B: Go along Queen Street. Turn left. The supermarket is on your left.

3. Listen and read.

This river is longer than that river. But the Oz River is the longest.

Market Street is shorter than Oxford Street. But Green Street is

the shortest.

A car is bigger than a bike. But a bus is the biggest.

A town usually is smaller than a city. But a village is the smallest.

The bus stop is nearer than the bus station. But the taxi stop is

the nearest

4. Read and answer.

1) Which animal is smaller: a hare or a fox?

2) Which way is shorter from your house: to your school or to the food shop?

4) Which shop is bigger: a food shop or a supermarket?

6) What is the smallest animal?

7) Which is the shortest way to your school from your home?

9) Whose bag is the biggest in your class?