1 Choose the correct passive form.

1 The city (is founded / was founded) in the 18th century.

2 It is (known / was known) as an administrative regional centre 20 years ago.

3 Well-known resorts (are located / were located) in the south of the country now.

4 London (is said / was said) to be one of the most expensive cities in Europe.

5 Historically the town (is fi rst mentioned / was fi rst mentioned) in 1256.

6 For centuries it (is ruined / was ruined) repeatedly by foreign aggressors.

7 The city’s treasures (are restored / were restored) by architects and men of arts last century.

8 People say that New York (is fi rst seen / was fi rst seen) by an Italian navigator.

9 According to a Ukrainian tradition the honoured guests (are welcomed / were welcomed) with bread and salt.

10 Yesterday I visited the museum which I (was recommended / had been recommended) to see before.


2 Circle the correct answer.

a The film (was made / made) in Australia, but the story (was taken place / took place) in Africa. The story (wrote / was written) by one of the best American scriptwriters. The film (was shown / showed) to the journalists yesterday afternoon.

Those who (were seen / saw) it liked it very much and (were written / wrote) very good reviews.

b Ann (got / was got) a new bike for Christmas. This morning she (was taken / took) it to school and (was left / left) it in the schoolyard. When she came out of school, the bike (went / was gone). (Was it stolen? / Did it steal?) Ann (was shocked / shocked). The school principal (informed / was informed) about it and he (called / was called the police). All the students (questioned / were questioned). The next morning Ann (found / was found) the bike parked in front of her house. There was also a note saying, “Sorry, it (borrowed / was borrowed) only for a day.”

3. Tom and Bob are comparing their answers from a general knowledge quiz. Use the words in brackets to make simple past passive negative and interrogative sentences. Look at the example: 

1 “The pyramids weren’t built (build) by the Greeks.”

“Who were they built by?”

“The Egyptians.”

2 “President Kennedy ... (kill) in New York.”

“Where ... he ... then?” “In Dallas.”

3 “The battle of Hastings ... (fight) in 1266.”

“When ... it ...?”

“In 1066.”

4 “Albert Einstein ... (bear) in the US.”

“Where ... he ...?”

“In Germany.”

5 “Penicillin ... (discover) by Charles Darwin.”

“Who ... it ... by?”

“Alexander Fleming.”

6 “The first step on the Moon ... (make) by Yury Gagarin.”

“Who ... it ... by?”

“Neil Armstrong.”

4 Fill in the sentences with the present passive

or the past passive forms.

1 The flag of the United Kingdom ... (call) the Union Jack.

2 Thanksgiving ... (celebrate) in November.

3 The Civil War ... (fight) between 1860 and 1865.

4 Bagpipes ... (make) of sheepskin. They ... (play) in Scotland.

5 Abraham Lincoln ... (shoot) in the theatre.

6 The Declaration of Independence ... (sign) on July 4th, 1774.

7 The Washington Monument ... (dedicate) to the first president of the USA.

8 The World Trade Center ... (destroy) in a terrorist attack on September 11th, 2001.

9 The Statue of Liberty ... (give) to the Americans by the French.

10 The Metropolitan Museum ... (visit) by millions of art lovers every year.

11 Australia ... (call) Down Under.

12 Hockey ... (invent) in Canada.

13 Computers and silicon chips ... (produce) in Silicon Valley.

14 The Republic of Ireland ... (create) in 1921.

15 Wool from Australia ... (export) to many countries all over the world.

 16 The Olympic Games 2000 ... (hold) in Sydney