Граматичний блоакю

Fill in a or an.

I) ... table; 2) ... apricot; 3) ... ear; 4) ... chair; 5) ... arm-chair;

6)... cassette; 7)... poem; 8)... envelope; 9)... kitten; 10)... planet;

II) ... ant; 12)... flower; 13)... icecream; 14)... clown; 15)... eye; 16)... puzzle; 17)... uncle; 18)... camera; 19)... horse.


Circle the correct item.

1) My friend has got а/the camera. А/the camera is digital. 2) This is а/the house. А/the house is old. 3) Could you give  me а/the pen to write? 4) It is а/the lamp. А/the lamp is on the table. 5) А/the strawberries in the basket are very sweet. 6) AJthe milk is in the glass. 7) I see a/the man. А/the man is coming up to the bus stop. А/the man is wearing a/the hat. 8) You have got so many fruit! Can I have a/the peach, please?


Divide the nouns into two groups: the group which is used with the article a or the and the group which can be used with the article the.

Birds, bread, lion, photo, children, lemon, sugar, doors, cars, robot, mouse, mice, plate, sweets, trees, garden, soup, balloon, forks, dresses, cup, monkey, cake.


Translate into English.

1) У дітей є іграшки. 2) У нього є комп’ютер. Комп’ютер новий. 3) За будинком є сад. Сад великий. 4) У кімнаті були квіти. 5) Жінки взяли документи та вийшли з кімнати. 6) Хлопці отримають листа наступного тижня.

Explain the use of the articles in the following sentences.

1) Their flat is on the fifth floor. 2) She went to the market in the morning. 3) A nurse takes care of sick people. 4) I’d like to learn to play the guitar. 5) His uncle is a pilot. 6) We have got a nice cottage-house. 7) He is the strongest boy in our class. 8) This girl is a pupil. 9) You bought two tickets to the theatre yesterday. 10) This picture is the most beautiful one I have ever seen.

Complete the sentences with the articles a or the.

1) My friend has got ... hamster. ... hamster lives in ... big cage.

2) His sister played ... flute at... theatre yesterday. 3)... young woman came into ... shop and bought... cake. 4) Jack explained that... second book was ... detective story. 5) I didn’t know that your father is... ski-instructor. 6) It is well-known that... cheetah is ... fastest animal in the world. 7) Last summer Margaret went to ... seaside and had ... wonderful rest there. 8)... big fireplace was ... first thing she saw in the living-room.


Rewrite the sentences and correct mistakes in using articles.

1) It was the nice sunny day and a children went to a beach.

2) Helen was happy to go to a country for her weekend. 3) Mark has got the yacht. A yacht is small but very comfortable. 4) That man is the photographer. 5) A coffee in this cup is hot. 6) My friend played a drum in some popgroup. 7) There are a sweets in this box. 8) It was a most exciting adventure in my life.


Complete the joke with the correct articles.

... teacher came into the classroom and said to ... children, «Pupils, I’d like you to be very quiet today. I have got ... terrible headache».

... youngest girl stood up and said to ... teacher, «Why don’t you do what my mum always does in this case?»

«What does your mum do?» wondered ... teacher.

«She sends me to play outdoors», explained ... girl.