Write negative and interrogative forms of the following sentences.

1) Jenny is helping her mother now. 2) We are meeting the guests now. 3) It is getting dark. 4) You are preparing for the conference at the moment. 5) The sun is appearing in the sky. 6) His friends are waiting for him in the yard. 7) I am washing the dishes now. 8) Martin and Fred are swimming in the pool.

9) The teacher is explaining the rule now. 10) Some people are crossing the street.

Write short answers to the questions.

1) Is David watching football match? — Yes, ... .

2) Are Tina and Jessica cleaning the room? — No, ....

3) Are you reading the magazine? — No, ....

4) Is the cat sleeping on the sofa? — Yes, ....

5) Are your friends preparing for the picnic? — Yes, ....

6) Is the nurse giving him the medicine? — No, ... .

7) Are the sportsmen preparing for the competition? — Yes, ....

8) Is the experiment going well? — Yes, ... .

9) Is the secretary speaking to the boss? — No, ....

10) Are these people waiting for the doctor? — Yes, ... .

Write questions to the underlined words.

1) We are leaving the railway station at the moment. 2) The children are playing badminton on the beach. 3) The dog is barking angrily at me. 4) You are telling a funny story. 5) They are going to write a dictation tomorrow. 6) Clare is cutting the grass in the yard. 7) I’m giving you my disc.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) What... he ... (to read)? — He ... (to read) a fresh magazine.

2) Where ... we ... (to go)? — We ... (to go) to a new shopping centre. Why ... we ... (to go) there? — Because we ... (to look) for a mobile phone at a reasonable price. 3)... you ... (to cook)? What ... you ... (to cook)? — I ... (to cook) fish for supper. 4) What ... your Granny ... (to do)? — She ... (to bake) a raspberry pie. 5) What ... she ... (to tell) about? — She ... (to explain) us the way to the hospital. 6) Why ... you ... (to slice) ham? — I ... (to make) sandwiches for you and me. 7) What... your sister ... (to look) at? — She ... (to look) at the children playing in the sandpit. 8) Where ... your cousin ... (to hurry)? — He ... (to hurry) to the airport. Our aunt ...(to arrive) today. 9)... Dina ... (to have) supper? — Yes, ... . 10) Whom ... Tony ... (to wait) for? — He ... (to wait) for his coach.

Translate into English.

1) Який фільм ви дивитесь? — Я дивлюсь нову комедію.

2) Що він планує робити у понеділок увечері? — Він збирається до театру. 3) Чому вона шукає цю книгу? — Вона зараз пише статтю про її автора. 4) Кому ви телефонуєте? — Я телефоную своєму стоматологові. 5) Куди вона йде? — Вона йде до банку. Там вона зустрічається з менеджером. 6) Твій брат зараз рибалить? — Ні, він грає у теніс. 7) Що твої батьки зараз роблять? — Мама готує обід, а тато дивиться спортивні змагання по телевізору. 8) Ви шукаєте окуляри? — Ні. Я шукаю свій записничок. 9) Що вони збираються купити для неї'? — Вони збираються купити фрукти та квіти. 10) Ваша сестра зараз зупинилась у готелі? — Так.