1. Answer the questions.

What season is it now?

What month is it now?

What is the weather like today?

Is it warm or cold today?

Is the sun shining now?

Does it look like raining?

Are there any clouds in the sky?

Is the wind blowing?

What can you see in the trees?

What are the people wearing?

2. Describe today’s weather.


3. Answer the questions.

When did your spring holidays begin?

What did you do during your spring holidays?

What book did you read during your spring holidays?

What is this book about?

What films did you see during your spring holidays?

What are these films about?

Where did you go during your spring holidays?

What did you see and what did you do there?

How did you help your parents when you were at home?

5. a) Read the text. Pay attention to the meanings of the new


It is spring now. It is April. The weather is fine. The sun

is shining in the blue sky. It is warm. We can see the first

green leaves in the trees and the first flowers in the fields.

The days become longer and the nights shorter. The birds

come back from the South.

All children are happy to meet spring again. They make

bird-houses and hang them in the trees, work in their school

gardens and on their plots. In the gardens children dig

around the trees, plant flowers and young trees. On the

school plots they dig the ground and plant vegetables. Some

time later they will water trees, flowers and vegetables.

Children like nature and take care of it.

6. a) Read the words, word-combinations and sentences

and translate them into Ukrainian.

b) Make up sentences with the words in bold type.

to meet (met, met) — зустрічати

To meet children, to meet parents, to meet friends, to

meet a father, to meet spring. I met my friend in the street.

We are happy to meet spring again.

a plot — ділянка землі

A big plot, a small plot, to have a plot, to work on the

school plot. In spring all schoolchildren work on their

plots. We planted vegetables on our plot.

ground — земля

In autumn we can see many yellow and red leaves on

the ground. In spring children dig the ground on their

plots. There is much snow on the ground in winter.

nature — природа

Beautiful nature, to like nature, to take care of nature.

Many people like nature very much. We must take care

of nature. Spring nature is very beautiful.


7. Answer the questions.

What season comes after winter?

What is the weather like in spring?

Where do the birds come back from in spring?

What do schoolchildren do for the birds?

Where do schoolchildren work in spring?

What do they do in their school gardens and on the school plots?