Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets as in the example. Make necessary changes.

Example: Ron has got a friend, (two) — Ron has got two friends.

1) There is a girl in the yard, (no)

2) That is a car. (his)

3) This is a photo, (five)

4) Mary has got a flower, (seven)

5) Dolly showed a picture to the teacher, (her)

6) There was a TV set in the room, (no)

7) Peter has finished the report, (his)

8) Tony will buy a disc, (three)


Complete the sentences with the articles where necessary.

1) I have got... aunt and ... three cousins. I have no ... uncle.

2) There are ... two books on the table. ... first book is ... detective story, ... second is ... historical novel.

3) Bob has got... sister, but he has no ... brothers.

4) ... that girl is ... my cousin.

5) This is ... mobile phone. ... mobile phone is new. This is my father’s ... mobile phone.

6) I don’t know his ... friend.

7) There is no ... letter on the desk. But there are three ... letters on ... coffee table.

8) I don’t think his ... answer was correct.

Circle the correct item to fill in the blanks.

1) Sue will be free on ... Thursday.

a) a b) the c) —

2) Boris seldom goes to ... cinema.

a) a b) the c) —

3) My brother has got... parrot.

a) a b) the c) —

4) She always leaves ... home at eight o’clock,

a) a b) the c) —

5) They played ... volleyball yesterday,

a) a b) the c) —

6) Pam enjoys drinking ... juice.

a) a b) the c) —

7) This cake is ... most delicious I’ve ever eaten,

a) a b) the ' c) —


 Complete the sentences with the articles where necessary.

My ... parents always get up at ... seven o’clock. My ... mother cooks ... breakfast and my ... father walks ... dog in ... yard. I usually have... breakfast at half past... seven. I live not far from ... school. My mother is ... teacher of Music and she works in my ... school, so we often go to ... school together. My mother is ... very good teacher. She can play ... piano,... violin and ... guitar. She knows a lot about... music and she tells many ... interesting stories about ... composers and ... musicians. ... pupils of our ... school love her ... lessons very much. I also like ... music, but I am really interested in ... sport. I attend ... tennis club and have trainings ... three times ... week: on ... Mondays, ... Tuesdays and ... Fridays. My ... dream is to become ... best tennis player in our ... city and I work hard to make my ... dream come true.


Complete the joke with the articles where necessary.

... member of ... military orchestra felt ill and went to see ... doctor. «Let me see your ... throat», said ... doctor. «Oh, you  have got ... cold. You should stay in ... bed for ... day or two. Take this ... medicine ... three times ... day and you’ll feel ... better soon». In ... three days ... man came to ... doctor again. «Your ... throat is quite well now», said ... doctor. «You can go back to your ... work. By the way, what instrument do you play in ... orchestra?» «I play ... drum, sir», answered ... man.