On June 28, 1996 the Verkliovna Rada adopted...8..., its Constitution.
The Constitution establishes the country’s political system, assures rights, ......9......., and is the basis for its law.
According to the Constitution Ukraine is ....10..., social, legal state. Ukraine is a republic. The state Ianguage is Ukrainian. The State symbols of Ukraine are the State Flag, the State Emblem and the Statenthem of Ukraine.
The Constitution assures human and civil rights, freedoms and duties. It states that every person has............11.......... every person has freedom of thought and speech. The Constitution guarantees the right to life, personal inviolability. The right of private property is inviolability.
According to the Constitution ......12....is protected by law. No person may damage the environment.
The duty of citizens is to respect the state’s symbols to defend the Motherland its........13........
The Constitution outlines the activities of the Verkhovna Rada Its main function is making laws. The Constitution specifics the power and obligations of the President - the head of the State. The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It carries cut ....14....... of the State. The Constitution outlines the activities of the judicial powder too
The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 15 chapters, 161 articles The day of its adoption is a state holiday - the Day of Constitution of Ukraine.
Answer the questions:
1. What is a Constitution?
P1: A constitution is the set of principles adopted by a state for its government. In some states it is a specific written document or a collection of documents.
2. What does a constitution establish?
P2: A constitution establishes the country’s political system and is the basis for its laws.
3. Who was the idea of a constitution first eleborated by?
P3: The idea of a constitution was first eleborated by Greek Philosopher Aristotel in his classification of governments. The modern idea of constitution came after the Reformation begun by Luther in 1517.
4. When was the Constitution of Ukraine adopted?
5. What kind of state is Ukraine?
6. What human and civil rights and freedoms does the Constitution assure?
7. What are the main obligations of Ukrainian citizens?
8. Are all the rights guaranteed in reality in our country? Prove your mind?
9.Has the Constitution only positive items? What are its negative items?