ТЕМА: Ukrainian cuisine.

To dive in atmosphere of English and the topic of the lesson let’s start from a very simple task.

You can see 2 columns of words: one is the names of dishes, the second is the name of the county. Your task is to match them.

Pizza                                France

Croissan                         Britain

Sushi                               Hungary

Goulash                          China

Pudding                          Italy

Pilaf                                 Uzbekistan

  As  we live in Ukraine I think it’s reasonable to speak about Ukrainian food as well.

 To begin with I would like to remind you that we don’t translate names of national dishes belonging to other cuisines and we spell and pronounce them just as they are in their native language (just with Latin letters). We did it in our previous exercise.  Now, let’s returned to your home task (to find definitions of the words cuisine, dish and kithen)

Cuisine – a style of cooking, the food served in a restaurant (usually an expensive one)

Dish – food prepared in a particular way as a part of meal, a container for cooking food

Kitchen – a room in which meals are cooked or prepared

So, if we speak about particularities of Ukrainian food traditions, we use the word – cuisine.

 So, I hope you will easily find names of Ukrainian dishes hidden in this word-search.

Who will find more? You have only 2 minutes? So, don’t waste your time …

1.      Borsch (borshch, borscht)

2.      Compote ['kɒmpəʋt]

3.      Soup

4.      Kasha

5.      Halushky

6.      Varenyky

  • Read again. Write B (Borshch), V (Varenyky) or U (Uzvar). Which food/drink...

  • 1       doesn’t cost a lot to make?              

  • 2       is eaten for good health?                  

  • 3       is made in a different special way by everyone?            

  • 4       is eaten by all Ukrainians and at any meal?         

  • 5       is popular as part of a special meal?

  • Vocabulary

  •  Fill in: household, versions, produce, top, fillings.

  • 1       There are many … of varenyky with different … such as meat or cherries.

  • 2       Mark grows …  in his garden such as cabbage, carrots and potatoes.

  • 3       Maria always eats her borshch with lots of sour cream on …. 

  • 4       Every … has its own secret borshch recipe.

What are the main characteristics of Ukrainian cuisine? …………….. (tasty, healthy)

  • Brawn – студень, холодець, застиглий

Trotters – ніжки

Bone - кістка

Gravy - підливка

Soured milk – кисле молоко

Batter – рідке тісто

Slice – скибка

Sample – відбирати зразки, куштувати

Sight – вигляд

Flour - борошно

  • And we must know some special terms. The Cooking verbs.

To boil – варити, кип’ятити

 to fry - смажити

 to grate – натирати на терці

 to mince - кришити, пропускати через м'ясорубку,  подрібнювати

 to pick off - здирати

 to roll - скручувати,  розкачувати (тісто)

 to rub - натирати

 to serve - подавати

 to smoke – диміти, закопчувати

 to spice – приправляти спеціями

 to stew - тушкувати

 to stuff - заповнювати,  фарширувати