Тема: What dishes do you eat?

T.:Look at the table. It is an essential attribute of everybody’s life. People often have their meals at the table. But we can find it in different places. Listen and say where the table I am speaking about is.

1) It is situated in a special room where all the family members get together and have their breakfast, dinner and supper - P …(kitchen)

2)It is a popular place for those who is hungry, but can’t eat at home right now. Besides, people usually have meals there if they lack time. - P (a fast food café or a restaurant)

3)People usually have meals there on such special occasions as holidays, parties etc. Food is normally expensive there. - P (restaurant)

4)People generally have lunch or breakfast in this place because they are at work or school - P (canteen)

         T.: Look at the table and remember:




can be in singular(1) and plural(many)

a cake - cakes

can’t be in plural

sugar- ------


used with a(an), the

a banana, an orange, the banana

aren’t used with a(an)

(the)  flour


some before them means “several”

some tomatoes

some before them means “some part of”

some water


used with many

many sandwiches

used with much

much soup


used with a lot of

a lot of eggs

used with a lot of

a lot of porridge


used with few (a few)

(a) few biscuits

used with little(a little)

(a) little ham

T.:Make up your sentences with them using structures:

I really like… It’s (They are)…

I don’t mind eating… It’s…

I dislike… It’s too…

I hate…because it’s…

I can’t stand eating…It’s…

     1)Reаd the recipe.Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.Guess what recipe it is.

(add, boil, cut, get, mash, peel, put, take, wash, add)

1)____3or 4 potatoes.2)____them. 3) Then____them carefully. 4)If the potatoes  are very big,____them into smaller pieces.  5)Then____them into cold  water,____some salt and____till they are ready.6)____ the water out and  ____some  milk  and  butter.7)Wait till the milk starts boiling._____everything carefully.