Тема: Лондон

1. Read the article from a teenage magazine. Which part of London is older: the City of London or the City of Westminster? Read the text quickly to find the answer.


London grew up around two historic cities - the City of London and the City of Westminster. The City of Westminster began as a residence for England’s rulers.

Today the area where the Roman London stood is known as the City of London. It is often called the City. It is the oldest part of London. In ancient times the City was surrounded by a great wall.

 The City of Westminster stood about 3 miles southwest of the City. As London grew, it spread far beyond its walls and took in the royal City of Westminster.

Today the City of London is a famous financial district. But it also has some reminders of its colourful past. The great dome of St Paul’s Cathedral, for example, still towers over buildings in the air.

The City of Westminster is the centre of the Britain’s government. It is the oldest part of the West End. It is also known for its theatres and London’s trade and nightlife.

2. Read the article again and choose the correct item A, B, or C to answer the ques' tions.

1. Where did London grow up?

A It grew around two historic cities.

B It grew around the place where the Roman London stood.

C It grew around the place which was the residence of the England’s rulers.

2. Where was the City of Westminster situated?

A It was situated in the area where the Roman London stood.

B It was situated three miles southwest of the City of London.

C It was situated two miles southeast of the City of London.

3. What is the City of London famous for?

A It is a famous financial district.

B It is the place where you can find famous historical landmarks.

C It is the famous financial district of London as well as the place where you can find outstanding historical landmarks.

4. Which of the facts below doesn’t tell you about the West End?

A It is the seat of the British government.

B It is known for its theatres and London’s trade and nightlife.

C It is the place where you can’t find many theatres.

3. a) Andrew and Brian are in London. They are planning their trip for tomorrow.

Read and tick what place they are going to see.

___St Paul’s Cathedral

___The National Gallery

Andrew: Did you see much of London during your last trip, Brian?

Brian: No, I didn’t.

Andrew: Neither did 1.1 had only a few hours to spend in London. I had no time to see all the famous landmarks of the capital. I am happy to be here again. Here is the map of London. Let’s plan our trip for tomorrow. Have you visited St Paul’s Cathedral yet?

Brian: Yes, I have.

Andrew: So have I. Have you been to the National Gallery?

Brian: No, I haven’t.

Andrew: Neither have I. There is a good collection of medieval painting there. Do you like art?

Brian: Yes, I do.

Andrew: So do I. Let’s visit this gallery tomorrow!

Brian: OK.

B) Grammar Lab: So/Neither Do I etc

We use so to agree with affirmative statements and neither to agree with negative statements.

If be, have, do, can, could, should, will or must etc. is used in the original statement, we use a form of the same verb after so or neither. Pay attention to the word order.

So + an auxiliary verb + a subject Neither + an auxiliary verb + a subject



A: I visited the British Museum last year.

B: So did I.


A: He has never been to the Houses of Parliament.

B: Neither have I. 

4. Match the correct short responses (A-J) to the sentences (1-10), then practise them.

1.1 don’t want to go there.

2.1 am proud of my city.

3.1 wouldn’t like to buy it.

4.1 can’t stand listening to horror stories.

5.1 am not planning my trip now.

6.1 can tell you a legend.

7.1 have a nice photo of Big Ben.

8. I’ll never forget my trip to London.

9.1 usually take a double-decker bus tour. 10.1 haven’t visited the British Museum yet.

A So have I.

B Neither am I.

C Neither can I.

D Neither will I.

E Neither would I.

F Neither do I.

G So do I.

H So can I.

I So am I.

J Neither have I.

5. Write short responses to the following sentences.


St Paul’s Cathedral is a famous landmark of London. (Westminster Abbey) - So is Westminster Abbey.

1. London stands on the river banks. (Kyiv)

2. This part of the city isn’t a famous financial district. (That part of the city)

3. London is known for its theatres. (Kyiv)

4. Many office buildings are located in the centre of London. (Shops and restaurants)

5. New attractions and exhibitions were built in the city. (New art galleries)