Тема: Restaurant home cuisine.


  • Are these sentences true or false

  • The label is the “identity card” of the wine. A  guest can read on it everything  about wine: wine name, name of manufacturer, year of production and other information.(True)

  • A  waiter or sommelier come to the guest with a bottle of wine from the right side, and put the bottle of wine in an inclined position, so that guests could easily read the label and make sure that this is a wine that he wanted and that the bottle has it`s originally cork. (False)

A  waiter or sommelier come to the guest with a bottle of wine from  the left side.

  • Serve sweet wines first, followed by reds and sweet wines. (False)

Serve white wines first, followed by reds and sweet wines.

  • Light dry white wines, rosés, sparkling wines serve at 40° to 50° F to preserve their freshness and flavour. (True)  

Look at the pictures and guess what are professions of these people.

a barman  2) a cleaner  3)a barista       4)a waiter     5)a sommelier

6) a hostess

5. Match the kind of meat with its translation

Mutton- баранина;  beef –яловичина;  veal – телятина; poultry – м`ясо свійської птиці; lamb – м`ясо ягняти, сhicken – м`ясо курки, turkey – індичка,

venison – оленина; pork – свинина.