ТЕМА: Thought about a friend.

                                ``Microphone``                                                                                                   P1No doubt, a man can't live in isolation. Friends are very important in our life.                              P 2 It's very important for a human being to have a friend with whom you can be sincere and frank.                                                                                                              

P 3 It's great to think there is someone to turn to for help and advice.

P 4 It's wonderful to think there is someone who will sympathize with you in a difficult situation and who will tell you the bitter truth if necessary.                                    

P 5 Friendship means a lot to me. I can't simply imagine my life without friends: they make my life happier and more interesting.                                                       

P 6 With my friends I can find a solution to many problems.                                                  

P 7 Real friendship is a thing that we cherish.                                                              

P 8 I think friendship is very important in our life. Modern life is very interesting, full of wonders, danger and great opportunities. If you don't have friends, you don't have support, you don't feel comfortable.                                                                   

 P 9 I would feel lonely and uncomfortable without my friends.                                                  

 P 10 In my opinion true friendship is a plant of slow growth. And we shouldn't destroy this tender plant , we must learn to forgive and forget.                                    

P11 Friendship makes your life full of joy and happiness.                                                    

P12 My friends help me feel strong and sure of myself.                                                         

P13 I am grateful to my friends who make my life happy and funny.

2. Match the parts of the proverbs.

1.A friend in need ...

a) is the medicine of life.

2.A man is known ...

b) no man.

3.Money can't ...

c) is to be one.

4.A faithful friend ...

d) by the company he keeps.

5.The only way to

e) is a friend indeed.

     have a friend...

6.One man…

f) buy friendship.