
Translate into English.

1) Вона ніколи не розповідала нам про своє дитинство.

2) Дай мені ті цукерки, будь ласка.

3) Хлопчик написав цей вірш сам.

4) Вони показали їй своє місто та розповіли багато цікавого про нього.

5) Подивись на них! Вони такі кумедні!

6) Моя сестра сама зробила цей подарунок.

7) Ті люди дуже далеко. Я не можу побачити їхні обличчя.

8) Я не можу дати вам свій номер телефону.

9) Цю кімнату діти прикрашали самі.

10) Том зателефонував їй пізно ввечері.

Complete the sentences with don't or doesn't.

1) You ... understand my idea. 2) Your brother ... often wash his car. 3) My parents ... get up late on week-days. 4) I ... buy a lot of sweets for my children. 5) Kate ... know the rules of this game. 6) Carol and Pam ... eat much for breakfast. 7) Her uncle ... wear jeans. 8) My sister and me ... want to go skating. 9) I... expect you to follow my advice. 10) Little Johnny ... like to play alone. 11) The car engine ... work properly. 12) My classmates ... take part in this competition. 13) This article ... contain any useful information. 14) These apples ... look fresh. 15) Some people ... like to travel by plane.


Make the sentences negative.

1) Martin often goes fishing in summer. 2) You always buy fresh newspapers. 3) His mother bakes tasty pies. 4) This fruit salad tastes delicious. 5) Pineapples grow in trees. 6) My dog eats tomatoes and pears. 7) People know a lot about the life on other planets. 8) I always travel with my grandparents. 9) They plant flowers and trees every spring. 10) Girls always like to do the washing-up.