Write the following verbs in the third person singular.

Dance, breathe, hurry, play, go, catch, dream, hit, teach, fix, depend, tidy, press, say, remember, crash, apply, type, fetch, write, stay, weigh, take, study, freeze, lay, pick, do, relax, agree, pray, discuss, reach, delay.

Make up the sentences using the verbs in the correct form.

1) Henry/advice/parents/for/always/his/ask. 2) sick/А/ care/ of/people/take/nurse. 3) hotel/excellent/provide/service/This.

4) often/from/Jane/friends/massages/receive/her. 5) little/ daughter/of/sometimes/Her/headaches/complain. 6) move/ The/Earth/Moon/the/around. 7) uncle/in/city/run/the/Her/ small/centre/a/the/shop/of. 8) computer/attend/times/Steve/ a/courses/week/three. 9) interesting/article/facts/contain/ This/some. 10) friends/mountains/often/My/in/holidays/the/ spend/winter/their.

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) What time ... you ... (to come) home from school? — I usually ... {to come) home at three o’clock, but twice a week we ... {to go) to the gym to play table tennis so I ... {to return) home later then. 2) How often ... Angela ... {to go) to the swimming pool? — I ... {not to know) exactly, but I often ... {to meet) her in the swimming pool on Saturdays. 3) Where ... the Browns ... {to spend) their holidays? — They usually ... {to visit) their relatives in the village and sometimes they ... {to go) to the seaside. 4) How many apples ... we ... {to need) for the apple pie? — My granny usually ... {to take) seven or eight apples, but I... {to think) we ... {not to need) so many, because these apples ... {to be) very big. 5) ... Den ... {to get) to the University by metro? — Well, sometimes he ... {to go) by metro, but usually his father ... {to give) him a lift. 6) Who ... your brother ... {to buy) the newspapers for? — Our grandfather ... {to like) reading fresh newspapers but he ... {not to go out often), so he ... {to ask) my brother to buy fresh newspapers. 7) Why ... Alex ... (to use) his car so rarely? — His car ... (to be) very old and it often ... (to break). But Alex ... (not to want) to buy a new one because he ... (to believe) that his car ... (to be) unique and ... (to bring) him luck. 8) Who usually ... (to walk) your dog? — My father ... (to walk) the dog in the morning because he always ... (to wake up) early in the morning. And I ... (to walk) it when I ... (to come) home from school.— ... your mother ... (to walk) your dog? — No, she .... She ...(to be) very busy doing the house chores.

Find mistakes and correct them.

1) The girls is picking up flowers near the river. 2) The scientists are work on an important project at the moment. 3) Is you reading this magazine now? 4) I’m not watch this show. 5) Who is the children waiting for? 6) What is speaking Anthony about?

7) Look! Somebody is swiming to our yacht. 8) Monica and Julia is talking about something over there. 9) An injured man is lieing beside the car on the road. 10) Are your cousin sitting at the table outside the cafe?

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.

1) Where ... {to be) Margaret? — She ... {to speak) on the phone in her room.— Who ... she ... {to speak) to? — I think she ... {to speak) to her mother. 2) Who ... {to decorate) the assembly hall? — Tony and Sue. They ... {to hang) posters right now.

3)... you ... {to read) this magazine? — No, I... . I... {to watch) the children in the sandpit. Look! They ... {to build) a huge sandcastle! 4) What ... you ... (to talk) about? — I ... {to try) to explain the main principle of the work of this gadget to you.

5) ... Nick and David ... {to discuss) their project? — No, they .... Nick ...{to surf) the Internet and David ...{to choose) photos for the school newspaper. 6) Why ... Julia ... {to make) so many sandwiches? — Because she ... {to wait) for guests. 7) What... you ... {to look) for? — I... {to look) for my sunglasses. 8)... it ... {still to rain)? — Yes, and it... {to get) colder.
