ТЕМА: Constitution.

Good afternoon! I‘m happy to see you! We have begun our lesson with the national anthem of our country.

         We are all citizens of Ukraine. In my opinion a man can’t live outside a state. The life of citizens depends on the political system of the state. I’m convinced that every citizen has to know everything about it. That’s why our theme is: Political system and National symbols of Ukraine

1) Teacher: Translate the word-combinations: Read and pronounce correctly the words and word-combinations.

1. Constitution

2. President

3.Verkhovna Rada

4. Parliament

5. Cabinet of Ministers

6. Official

7. Deputies

8. National symbols

9. Flag


2) Teacher: Do you know the meaning of the following words ?

1. to adopt           

2. to declare         

3. to elect              

4. legislative          

5. executive         

6. judicial power

7. the Supreme Court

8. anthem

9. monetary unit

10.official language

3) Matching. 

  T:Match the words:

1. to adopt                     a) виконавчий

2. to declare                             b) законодавчий

3. to elect                       c) громадянин

4.judicial                       d) приймати

5. legislative                   e) вибирати

6. citizen                        f) декларувати

7. executive                    g) герб

8. court                         h) юридичний

9.anthem                       i) суд

10.emblem                     j)гімн