Тема: “Спорт»

1. Read Ann’s letter to Polly. Say what activities help the children

to keep fit.

Dear Polly,

How are the things going? I am as busy as a bee these days. Lots of home- . I work, you know... But a little exercise each day helps me keep fit. I’m | l usually very tired after sitting at the desk for hours. I go jogging in the park l 1 every morning. Today after half an hour run I feel fine.

Dan has joined the school Sports Club this year. He wants to set a school ! record in swimming and running, and he is training hard for that. Every- I day training has done wonders for his stamina. Dan’s parents want him \ l to participate in sports competitions. They are really proud of his won- I 1 derful achievements.

Now we’ve got a new PE teacher at school. He’s going to start a bad- . I minton club, which sounds like fun. So, I think I’ll try that - though \ l I hardly imagine where I’ll find the time. I

What sports do you do, Polly? Would you like to join any sports club? 1 ! Write to me soon.

Best wishes,


2. Take turns to ask and answer the questions given below.

1. What helps Ann to keep fit?

2. How does the girl train her body every day?

3. She doesn’t have any sports club at school, does she?

4. Have everyday training done wonders for Dan’s stamina?

5. Do Dan’s parents encourage their son to take part in a sport?

6. What has Ann decided to do?


3.  Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense form.

1. We.....(to need) the good physical stamina to become successful in sport.

2. Bill’s parents.....(to encourage) him to train harder last year.

3. Our coach.....(to study) the sports results after every competition.

4........you.......(to set) a record at last?

5. Who.....(to invite) you to take part in the school competition?

6. They.....(to organise) the chess contest in our city next month.