Тема: Лондон


1. Work in pairs. Give your responses to agree with the statements given below.

1. I would like to visit London next year. (My cousin)

2. Ann hasn’t read much interesting information about London’s outstanding museums yet. (Kim)

3. Dan is interested in the history of London. (Steve)

4. They didn’t learn a lot about the art galleries in London last year. (I)

5. You must prepare a short report for the next lesson. (Jim)

2. Complete the table given below.

Name of the Palace

Dates of construction

Who owned a palace

Some interesting facts from its history

The palace today

London has been a seat of royal power for more than a thousand years - and there are a lot of palaces and royal buildings to prove it. Each palace at different times was the main home of the king or queen and the royal court.

A St James’s Palace

It is the official residence of the l sovereign and the most senior royal pa- l lace in the United Kingdom. It is located 1 in the City of Westminster. Henry VIII . built it in 1532. He didn’t really need I another palace, but he was a great col- l lector of grand houses - he had about 1 sixty of them. After Whitehall Palace ! burned down, St James’s became the I official royal residence, l William IV was the last king to live there, but members of the royal i I family have houses and apartments within the palace today. The State I 1 Rooms at St James’s are still used for royal ceremonies. Today the palace 1 . houses a number of official offices, societies and collections.

B Kensington Palace

The Royal Borough of Kensington was once a pretty village on the outskirts of London. In 1689, Queen Mary II bought a house there for herself and her husband William. In 1819, the Duke and Duchess of Kent moved there for the birth of their daughter, the future Queen Victoria. Victoria lived at Kensington until she became queen in 1837. The palace is still a royal residence, and members of the royal family have apartments there.

Parts of Kensington Palace are open to the public. At Kensington Palace you can see a fabulous collection of royal and court dresses and costumes.

C Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace began its life as Buckingham House. It was built in the 1700s for the first Duke of Buckingham, but in 1762 the Duke’s son sold it to George III who wanted it as a family home.

George IV thought it was not grand enough and set about rebuilding it. The work took so long he died before he could live in it.

When Queen Victoria came to the throne in 1837, the palace was still half-

finished. Victoria made more changes, but she and her family lived in it j all her reign, as have all monarchs since.

3. Look through your notes. Tick the statements J (St James’s Palace), K (Kensington Palace), B (Buckingham Palace). Consult the texts of Ex. 2 if necessary.

Which of the following palaces:

• ...was not an originally royal place?

• ...was rebuilt for a very long time?

• ...was built in the sixteenth century?

• ...became the birthplace of the future queen?

• ...houses a number of offices today?

• ...became the official residence after Whitehall burned down?

• ...was never used by Queen Victoria as a royal house?

• ...can boast a great collection of royal and court dresses and costumes?

• ...is used by the monarch today?

• ...was bought as part of a grand house collection?

• ...used to be part of a village?

• ...didn’t become a home for George IV?

4.  Read and act out the situation.

You have just come back from a trip to London. Tell your parents about this city in the new millennium. Which part of London is full of reminders of its colourful past?

Complete the paragraph from the London Sightseeing Tour. Fill in the missing articles where they are necessary.


We start at ..... Victoria Station. Our coach takes you along ..... Buckingham Palace Road where you can see ..... Buckingham Palace and ..... St James’s Park. Then we drive to ..... Trafalgar Square where you see.....National Gallery. Next we drive down ..... Whitehall to ..... Parliament Square. We stop to visit ..... Westminster Abbey. Then we past ..... Houses of Parliament and.....Big Ben. We drive along......Victoria Embankment and you see.....River Thames. Then we visit.......St Paul’s Cathedral and.....Tower of London. We come back through .....West End. Finally we return you to.......Vic toria Station.