Тема «Квартира»

  1. Read and repeat.

In the country

in the town

in the city

2. Listen and say.

a) Mrs Brown: Do you live in a town or in the country?

Taras: I live in Kyiv. It is a big city.

Mrs Brown: Oh! Do you live in a house or in a flat?

Taras: In a flat.

Kate: What’s it like?

Taras: Well, it’s small. There are two bedrooms, a livingroom,

a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet.

Mrs Brown: Sorry, children. I must go. Kate, show our flat to

Taras, please. Well, see you later.

Kate: OK. Bye, Mum.

Taras: Thank you, Mrs Brown.

Bill and Tom: Bye, Mum.


3. Read and say what it is.

1) a place where we can live

2) a thing on which to sit at the table

3) a room where we can wash our face and hands

4) a thing on which to sit in front of the TV

5) a room where we can cook

6) a thing on which to sleep

7) a room where all the family usually watch TV in the evening

8) a thing which is usually on the floor

4. This is Jim from the USA. Ask him about the place he lives in.

You: Do you live in a ... or... ?


You: What is it like?

i Jim: It’s... There are... There is...

5. Rhyme.

Some people live in the country

Where the houses are very small.

Some people live in the city

Where the houses are very tall.

But in the country where the houses are small,

The gardens are very big.

And in the city where the houses are tall,

There are no gardens at all.

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