Тема: «Sport»

1. read the poem. Say what can help you become a good sportsman.


Training to become a gymnast

Take strength and dedication.

Doing all the requirements

Along with some innovation.

Building up your body

And toughing up the mind.

One won’t work alone

They must be entwined.

The mind has to rock solid

And not filled with any doubts

So you will be in top form

During the Olympic tryouts.

By Bernard Howe

2. Grammar Lab: The Present Perfect Continuous Tense

The children are at the stadium now. They are running. It is ten minutes past one. They started running at one o’clock.

The children have been running for ten minutes.

They have been running since one o’clock.

The Present Perfect Continuous Tense talks about how long the activity has been in progress before now.


She is walking now. (The activity is in progress now.)

She has been walking for half an hour. (The activity has been in progress before now.)


3. Read the dialogue and complete the sentences.

1. How.....you.......on?

2. Where.....you.......?

3. I.....there for only a short while.

4. He.....this sports club for two years.

4. Answer the questions.

• Which sentences don’t discuss the length of time?

• Which sentence expresses the length of time of an activity which began in the past and is in progress right now?


5. Put the verbs in brackets into the Present Continuous or Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. Steve and Dan.....(to sit) at the stadium now. They.......(to watch) the

football match for forty minutes.

2. Jim is very busy now. He.....(to talk) with his coach. He......(to talk)

with his coach for half an hour.

3. My classmates are in the gym now. They.....(to play) volleyball. They

.....(to play) volleyball for an hour.

4. Sue ..... (to train) in the Sports Centre now. She ..... (to attend) the

tennis club for three years.

5. Mr Brown is in the swimming pool. He.....(to watch) the young sportsmen swim. He.....(to train) them for a year.

6. My uncle and my father are in the Sports Palace now. They ..... (to

watch) the hockey match. They.....(to watch) it for fifteen minutes.